How many Miles is 10,000 Steps?

On average, 10,000 steps are 4.1-4.4 miles. This estimate mainly depends on your height and gender, but your walking speed, weight, and age can also affect it to a lesser extent. The range I provided is for men (4.4 miles) and women (4.1 miles) of average heights, 5’7″ and 5’3″, respectively. The taller you are, the longer the distance covered is.

The following tables show what 10,000 steps are equivalent to in miles depending on your height and gender. I estimated step length from height and then used it to find how many miles 10,000 steps are.

Men: (Scroll down for women)

HeightDistance for 10,000 steps (miles)
5’2″ (157 cm)4.06
5’3″ (160 cm)4.13
5’4″ (163 cm)4.19
5’5″ (165 cm)4.26
5’6″ (168 cm)4.32
5’7″ (170 cm)4.39
5’8″ (173 cm)4.45
5’9″ (175 cm)4.52
5’10” (178 cm)4.58
5’11” (180 cm)4.65
6’0″ (183 cm)4.72
6’1″ (185 cm)4.78
6’2″ (188 cm)4.85
6’3″ (191 cm)4.91
Miles covered by men walking 10,000 steps

Women: (Scroll up for men)

HeightDistance for 10,000 steps (miles)
4’9″ (145 cm)3.72
4’10” (147 cm)3.78
4’11” (150 cm)3.85
5’0″ (152 cm)3.91
5’1″ (155 cm)3.98
5’2″ (157 cm)4.04
5’3″ (160 cm)4.11
5’4″ (163 cm)4.17
5’5″ (165 cm)4.24
5’6″ (168 cm)4.3
5’7″ (170 cm)4.37
5’8″ (173 cm)4.43
5’9″ (175 cm)4.5
5’10” (178 cm)4.56
5’11” (180 cm)4.63
Miles covered by women walking 10,000 steps

How many calories do 10,000 steps burn?

On average, 290-380 calories are burned by walking 10,000 steps. The calories burned depends on your weight, height, and walking speed.

The tables below show how weight and height affect the calories burned by walking 10,000 steps. To see the effect of walking speed, check my other post, which goes into more detail.

Men: (Scroll down for women)

WeightHeightCalories burned walking 10,000 steps
132 lb. (60 kg)170 cm (5’7″)351
175 cm (5’9″)367
180 cm (5’11”)384
143 lb. (65 kg)170 cm (5’7″)366
175 cm (5’9″)383
180 cm (5’11”)399
154 lb. (70 kg)170 cm (5’7″)382
175 cm (5’9″)398
180 cm (5’11”)416
165 lb. (75 kg)170 cm (5’7″)397
175 cm (5’9″)414
180 cm (5’11”)432
176 lb. (80 kg)170 cm (5’7″)412
175 cm (5’9″)430
180 cm (5’11”)448
187 lb. (85 kg)170 cm (5’7″)427
175 cm (5’9″)445
180 cm (5’11”)464
198 lb. (90 kg)170 cm (5’7″)442
175 cm (5’9″)461
180 cm (5’11”)480
209 lb. (95 kg)170 cm (5’7″)457
175 cm (5’9″)476
180 cm (5’11”)496
220 lb. (100 kg)170 cm (5’7″)473
175 cm (5’9″)492
180 cm (5’11”)512
243 lb. (110 kg)170 cm (5’7″)503
175 cm (5’9″)523
180 cm (5’11”)544
265 lb. (120 kg)170 cm (5’7″)533
175 cm (5’9″)555
180 cm (5’11”)576
287 lb. (130 kg)170 cm (5’7″)564
175 cm (5’9″)586
180 cm (5’11”)608
Calories (kcal) burned by men walking 10,000 steps

Women: (Scroll up for men)

WeightHeightCalories burned walking 10,000 steps
110 lb. (50 kg)160 cm (5’3″)273
165 cm (5’5″)285
170 cm (5’7″)297
121 lb. (55 kg)160 cm (5’3″)282
165 cm (5’5″)295
170 cm (5’7″)307
132 lb. (60 kg)160 cm (5’3″)292
165 cm (5’5″)305
170 cm (5’7″)317
143 lb. (65 kg)160 cm (5’3″)302
165 cm (5’5″)315
170 cm (5’7″)328
154 lb. (70 kg)160 cm (5’3″)312
165 cm (5’5″)325
170 cm (5’7″)338
165 lb. (75 kg)160 cm (5’3″)321
165 cm (5’5″)335
170 cm (5’7″)349
176 lb. (80 kg)160 cm (5’3″)331
165 cm (5’5″)345
170 cm (5’7″)359
187 lb. (85 kg)160 cm (5’3″)341
165 cm (5’5″)355
170 cm (5’7″)369
198 lb. (90 kg)160 cm (5’3″)351
165 cm (5’5″)365
170 cm (5’7″)380
220 lb. (100 kg)160 cm (5’3″)371
165 cm (5’5″)385
170 cm (5’7″)401
243 lb. (110 kg)160 cm (5’3″)390
165 cm (5’5″)406
170 cm (5’7″)421
265 lb. (120 kg)160 cm (5’3″)410
165 cm (5’5″)426
170 cm (5’7″)442
287 lb. (130 kg)160 cm (5’3″)429
165 cm (5’5″)446
170 cm (5’7″)463
Calories (kcal) burned by women walking 10,000 steps

How many steps a day to lose weight

The number of steps a day to lose weight is equivalent to the required calorie deficit. For example, you have to walk 13,000-17,000 steps at a brisk pace of 3.5 mph (5.6 km/h) to burn 500 calories. Suppose you consume food equivalent to your daily basal metabolic rate (BMR). In that case, you have to walk 13,000-17,000 steps for a calorie deficit of 500 calories. You can theoretically lose 1 kg (2.2 lb.) of fat with that calorie deficit within 16 days. For more estimates on losing a kilogram of body weight, please read my other article on the topic.

Although exercise is recommended for everyone, limiting your food intake might be easier than walking to create a calorie deficit. However, many people have a healthy appetite and tend to give up on their weight loss goals if they are constantly hungry. If this sounds like you, putting in those extra steps might be your best bet. If you don’t mind cutting your calorie intake, a diet might be the better option for people with limited time.

Studies have shown that dieting can produce weight loss results that are far better than those from exercising alone. For example, a meta-analysis of 25 years of research showed that diets resulted in an average weight loss of 23.6 lb. (10.7 kg) in 15 weeks (Source). Exercise resulted in an average weight loss of only 6.4 lb. (2.9 kg). Combining a diet with an exercise program might be the best overall approach since those saw an average weight loss of 24.2 lb. (11 kg). Those who exercised also managed to keep off more of their lost weight after one year (Source).

How far is 10,000 steps?

On average, 10,000 steps are about 6.6-7.1 kilometers. This distance depends on your height and gender, but your walking speed, weight, and age can also affect it. Since men are, on average, taller than women, the distance they cover in 10,000 steps is longer. The range, therefore, corresponds to 7.1 km for men (170 cm tall) and 6.6 km for women (160 cm tall).

The following tables show what 10,000 steps are equivalent to in kilometers depending on your height and gender. I estimated step length from height and then used it to find how far 10,000 steps are.

Men: (Scroll down for women)

HeightDistance for 10,000 steps (km)
157 cm (5’2″)6.54
160 cm (5’3″)6.64
163 cm (5’4″)6.75
165 cm (5’5″)6.85
168 cm (5’6″)6.96
170 cm (5’7″)7.06
173 cm (5’8″)7.17
175 cm (5’9″)7.27
178 cm (5’10”)7.38
180 cm (5’11”)7.48
183 cm (6’0″)7.59
185 cm (6’1″)7.7
188 cm (6’2″)7.8
191 cm (6’3″)7.91
Distance covered by men walking 10,000 steps

Women: (Scroll up for men)

HeightDistance for 10,000 steps (km)
145 cm (4’9″)5.98
147 cm (4’10”)6.08
150 cm (4’11”)6.19
152 cm (5’0″)6.29
155 cm (5’1″)6.4
157 cm (5’2″)6.5
160 cm (5’3″)6.61
163 cm (5’4″)6.71
165 cm (5’5″)6.82
168 cm (5’6″)6.92
170 cm (5’7″)7.03
173 cm (5’8″)7.13
175 cm (5’9″)7.24
178 cm (5’10”)7.35
180 cm (5’11”)7.45
Distance covered by women walking 10,000 steps

How fast to walk to burn more calories

Aim for a walking pace higher than 3.5 mph (5.6 km/h) to burn more calories. This recommendation is because calories are burned faster at a higher walking pace. To give you an idea about how much of a difference your speed makes, consider the following table. It shows the time and calories burned for a female of average height and weight walking 10000 steps.

Walking paceTime (min)Calories burned (kcal)kcal/min
Less than 2.0 mph (3.2 km/h)1643171.9
2.0 mph (3.2 km/h)1233332.7
2.5 mph (4 km/h)992852.9
3 mph (4.8 km/h)822773.4
3.5 mph (5.6 km/h)702924.2
4 mph (6.4 km/h)622974.8
4.5 mph (7.2 km/h)553706.7
5.0 mph (8 km/h)493958.1
Calories burned by a female walking at different paces

As you can see, walking at a pace of 4 mph burns 4.8 kcal/min while walking at a speed of 2 mph only burns 2.7 kcal/min. The metabolic equivalent of the task (MET) determines the rate at which you burn calories. If you want to burn more calories, you’ll need to walk at a pace of 4-5 mph, on average. Not only will this save you time, but you’ll also get some intense cardiovascular activity. The World Health Organization recommends that adults do 75-150 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activities throughout the week to stay healthy (Source).

How to count walking steps

1. Use your phone

Fortunately, your phone probably counts the number of steps you walk already. You can check if this feature is enabled in the “Google Fit” app on Android or the “Health” app on iPhones.

If you prefer not to have your phone on you when you walk, I have two other suggestions for you.

2. Estimate your steps

A simple way of estimating your steps would be to walk a known distance. Before going on a walk, use a map to measure the distance you’ll be walking. You can then use a tape measure to estimate your step length and the following formula to calculate your steps:

Steps = [Distance (miles) × 63360] / Step length (inches)

Another way of calculating your step length is using a formula based on your height. For more details, read this other article.

3. Use a pedometer

A pedometer is a step-counter, a portable device that counts your steps using the motion of your hands or hips. Most pedometers are accurate if placed vertically on your hips while walking on a flat surface. Keep in mind that habitual motions might cause the pedometer to falsely count some steps, but the error is usually within ±5%.

A simple pedometer that I’ve tried is the 3DFitBud. It is fairly accurate, it comes with a clip so you can place it on your hips, and it helps keep you motivated. You can buy it from Amazon using this link.